
Our philosophy

The Trans-NH Bike Ride fundraising philosophy is very simple: do everything we can to raise the largest amount possible for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Over the years, our annuals goals have varied from $100,000 to as much as $150,000 because we’re committed to the families that are impacted by muscular dystrophy. The ride’s Board of Directors makes every effort to keep operating costs low while providing the highest quality support and accommodations for the ride’s participants.

Riders often ask how we can “afford” things such as hotel accommodations when other rides make riders pay. Our answer is that we are making a big ask of our cyclists to give up a full weekend to help us reach our goal and we want the ride to be an experience that will keep everyone coming back year after year.  We want our community of riders to focus on fundraising and riding with the expectation that we will take care of the rest.

Over the past 15 years, expenses have averaged 12.9% of the total funds raised. One hundred percent (100%) of the expenses are direct costs of the ride – there is no administration expense charged to the ride. 

2024 Fundraising Requirements

IndividualsTeam of 3 persons or more
3-days $1,000
2-days $650
1-day $300
3-days $850 per team member
2-days $525 per team member
1-day $250 per team member
The cost to register is $50; this fee is applied towards each rider’s fundraising minimum.

Once you’ve registered, you’ll be sent a login to your MDA fundraising page where you can tell the story about why you’re riding or perhaps describe the person you are dedicating your ride to.  Your fundraising amount will be listed, as well as your goal progress.  For tips and strategies to meet your fundraising goal, download the MDA “Build a Personal Fundraising Plan” PDF.  Your friends, family, and co-workers can donate online through your page or by check.

Checks should be mailed to:

Muscular Dystrophy Association Inc.

P. O. Box 7410354

Chicago, IL 60674-0354

And, include this form when mailing checks to the MDA.